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Entry for the Alaska Fiber Festival 2008

The theme for this year was "Half-Baked Alaska"
It took a great deal of head-scratching to come up with something that seemed to follow that theme!!


The title of the piece is

"Global Warming??!!  I thought it was a hot flash!"

Seemed appropriate considering the melting ice fields...

Even the crate she is sitting on has a message -

"Refrigerator -Destination: Alaska"

I had enormous fun with this - and not much embellishment (which I'm really not into)...

Made from doesuede with a needle sculpted face and handmade clothes and boots.


The ice bucket was a challenge in itself and I finally solved the problem by collecting glass fragments from a broken car window.

A circle of acetate, with a hole for the leg, and then the fragments of glass (coated with glue to remove the sharp edges) sitting in puddles of glue which dried clear.

The bucket itself was shiny new but a few hours soaking in pure bleach soon remedied that!


Butterfly Minds
. . . flit from one delightful inspiration to another . . .