Dolls' House Dolls

Normally, I don't spend a lot of time on any one facet of miniatures but more and more I seem to be working on sculpting generally...

This was my first effort -  although her hands are rather crude, her face still manages to have a fairly "real" look to it.

Click on her to see a close-up of her face (& the really bad hands!!)
An Edwardian Lady
(the hat's too big!)  
What I found interesting was how shiny her face turned out and I now try to avoid this byBack to Miniature Dolls Gallery not using metal tools when finishing.
A Leprechaun
asleep in his pot of gold!
(crudely made clothing - when I find a shamrock print he will be re-dressed!)
A Scullery Maid   The hands are better, though they are still too small  - a hand is said to be the same length from wrist edge to fingertip as the face from chin to hairline!  Certainly not the case here!
The Witch
from the "Witch in the Attic" Vignette




Butterfly Minds
. . . flit from one delightful inspiration to another . . .