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Portrait Dolls - Page 1 of 3

July 2008
As a surprise birthday gift for a friend, I sculpted this figure of her husband Richard, a fellow miniaturist (maker of bicycles and penny farthings).
Sculpting and baking sections at a time is so much easier than trying to do it in one, so the legs were built up over a core, following the instructions from the website.   I use ball fishing weights for the pelvis and buttocks as these give weight to the seat and also help with the final shaping.
As you can see he lacks spectacles - however, he doesn't always wear them and they were beyond me!

He is holding a wheel and a rough soldering iron - Richard will make replacements himself as he is skilled in this field.

The final result - I haven't coloured his skin very much as I lack the expertise at this point but the sculpt is recognisable as the man in the photo... Richard remarked that he was thrilled that he had acquired magnificent legs!

Portrait of a Lady...

October 2008
This was a follow-up to the previous sculpt - the birthday girl asked for a doll of her best friend, to make for HER 60th birthday.  She will make the roombox setting herself as she has done for the one above.
Eyes are still a bit of a problem for me - I used Fimo balls and painted on the eye before inserting it but I want to experiment with enamelled eyes as I think they will have cleaner finish.   Here the eyes have been flooded with 3D lacquer to give the glassy effect but it is difficult to contain and also bubbles if baked!
The subject's talents are sewing and baking so she will be hovering between her sewing room and kitchen!

I managed to find a dress pattern which was "classic", so not particularly dated, then photographed it to make the pattern packet.

I particularly enjoy the wigging of dolls - this was a mix of mohair. I don't use the silky viscose as it is so unreal, preferring mohair which can be dyed.  I blend colours to get a more realistic look.
(Contrary to appearances, she is not surfing - this is just a temporary display base!)

Page 2 - The Flower Seller

Butterfly Minds
. . . flit from one delightful inspiration to another . . .