I had a tiny leather witch hat which I'd
bought ages ago and this inspired me...
The decorated and filled trunk was in response to a challenge on the SAMinis
An MDF bookend of two walls and a base
A window was cut into the back and then the angled roof was added.
Distressed, stained and painted
using a vinegar & steel wool mixture then touched up with a wash of diluted Americana Asphaltum
Close-up of the interior with Drac-in-the Box
& Hobby Dragon,
(note the ancestors on the wall)
Witch Doll & Teddy-Bat.
Showing the angled roof
which leaves a cavity for a night scene (far right)
of bats hanging from a branch with the moon in the background.
Eaves area is lit with a single mini bulb
- the battery for the "bat scene" is hidden in the trunk and the switch is
behind the pile of books.
The quilt is computer printed with Halloween motifs.
See the witch's portrait as a child standing against the back of the chest?
from back with dead vine which disguises the electrics running up into the
"bat scene".
View from left side painted in acrylics of the witch going
The Trunk itself is covered in simulated
crocodile skin
(computer printed/ texture paste scales);
the handles are cat faces from Fimo.
Witch Doll
The basic Body and Head could have been either male or female but once the
hair was added, definitely a "she"!
The sculpted Hobby-Dragon head was sculpted and baked - the fins were added
and fired again.
The detail was painted using Genesis heat-set
Butterfly Minds
. . . flit from one delightful inspiration to
another . . .